updates Archives - Visual Composer Website Builder https://visualcomposer.com/blog/tag/updates/ Create Your WordPress Website Thu, 17 Aug 2023 12:57:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.3 https://visualcomposer.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/cropped-vcwb-favico-32x32.png updates Archives - Visual Composer Website Builder https://visualcomposer.com/blog/tag/updates/ 32 32 WP Builders FightClub: Visual Composer Case Study https://visualcomposer.com/blog/wp-builders-fightclub-visual-composer-case-study/ https://visualcomposer.com/blog/wp-builders-fightclub-visual-composer-case-study/#comments Wed, 31 May 2023 12:28:07 +0000 https://visualcomposer.com/?p=36940 At WP Builders Fight Club, all major builders compete in a fair game to show their performance and abilities- we joined with Visual Composer.

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The first rule of Fight Club states that you don't talk about Fight Club. The good news is that WordPress Builder Fight Club is a different breed. It is easy to join, you can talk about it, and there is no Brad Pitt to hold (kick) you back.

At WP Builders Fight Club, all major page builders and website builders compete in a fair game to show their performance and abilities.

What is WP Builders Fight Club?

WP Builders Fight Club is a community-driven project for page builders and website builders to compete in terms of performance, design, and other capabilities.

The idea is simple, you need to create a WordPress page. But not any kind of page - the page needs to follow the Fight Club guidelines and requirements. The requirements include technical specifications and design accuracy.

WP Builder Fight Club page design with Visual Composer

All pages created with different builders are then stored in a similar environment. This helps to measure the performance and receive unbiased results. The results include reports from GTMetrix and Google PageSpeed Insights.

The goal of the project is simple - have an honest and transparent comparison of all major WordPress builders in one place.

As of today, there are all major page builders and website builders presented, including Elementor, Builderius, Beaver Builder, and Visual Composer.

WP Builders Fight Club and Visual Composer

We decided to join WP Builder Fight Club with Visual Composer. Visual Composer Website Builder is a complete solution that allows you to build WordPress sites without using the styling of any WordPress themes.

Our goal was to complete the challenge to showcase the capabilities of our visual site builder while not compromising on performance.

Our solution consisted of Visual Composer, Advanced Custom Fields, and SVG Support. We also had Twenty Twenty-Three theme installed (per WordPress guidelines) but did not use it. What makes Visual Composer stand out is that we will not load any theme files if you are using Theme Builder to avoid theme footprints on performance.
The page layout was built using Visual Composer Theme Builder where you can design headers and footers. In the layout, we used Advanced Custom Fields for dynamic content and custom CSS for additional styling.

Since Visual Composer is a low-code solution, web developers and agencies can easily tweak the look and feel of their sites using custom CSS and JavaScript. In the Fight Club challenge, we used custom CSS to introduce pixel-perfect image overlap.

For the content part, we used Visual Composer free and premium elements from the Visual Composer Hub (cloud element library). The library consists of hundreds of content elements and integrations which reduces the need for additional plugins and add-ons.


With Visual Composer, we managed to score 98 performance points in GTMetrix and Google PageSpeed Insights. The score on mobile was a bit lower (88 points) which means there is room for improvement.

We also reached 100 points in the structure and high scores for accessibility and SEO. To be fair, we did not work on the SEO score as a part of the Fight Club challenge. Jumping into Visual Composer Insights and data attributes can easily help you to get 100 points in SEO.

If we compare Visual Composer with other major builders on the market, we see that we have scored higher than some well-known players and are among the top solutions among builders when it comes to performance.

If you’re curious, you can learn more details about how exactly the page was replicated, what challenges we faced, and how we overcame them.

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Visual Composer Layout Builder: Design Fully Custom Layouts In One Place https://visualcomposer.com/blog/visual-composer-layout-builder/ https://visualcomposer.com/blog/visual-composer-layout-builder/#comments Mon, 13 Dec 2021 13:04:38 +0000 https://visualcomposer.com/?p=33814 The Visual Composer Layout Builder allows you to build custom layouts for posts, pages and archives, and assign them sitewide or override it on a page level, as needed. No relying on default theme design anymore. This means that web creators now have all the design freedom they need — all from one place!

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The past year has introduced a lot of great features for Visual Composer Website Builder. But today, we are happy to announce that the latest update (41.0) brings in a new feature — the Layout Builder. This feature completes the Theme Builder functionality.

From this point on, you can create your own, completely custom layout templates (including headers, footers, and sidebars), and assign them globally, as well as individually for pages, posts, custom post types and archives. No more depending on theme-defined layouts or design. You have full creative control. And to put the cherry on top, you can manage every aspect of your website easily — from one place!

New And Advanced Website Building Experience

With the Theme Builder and Font Manager power-combo, you won't need to integrate other design tools or add custom code. Visual Composer Premium lets you create your website design (from layouts to fonts, and other styling elements) as you please while saving time and money.

Go above and beyond by creating and adjusting page layouts, headers, footers, and sidebars. The Theme Builder addon is available in the Visual Composer Hub.

This Premium feature lets you create unique layout templates for singular pages and posts or archives, by defining the layout type upfront. Once set and done you can apply and replace the theme defined templates globally or for specific pages, such as:

  • 404 Page
  • Search Page
  • Author Page
  • Posts & Pages
  • Post & Shop Archives (WooCommerce)
  • Product Page (WooCommerce)
  • Landing Page (WooCommerce)
  • Docs (Custom Post Type) and more
Visual Composer Theme Builder Settings to replace theme-default templates

This means, that you can create completely custom layouts, without having to depend on the regular theme-defined templates and styling. No more endless searching for themes or adding custom code to fit the design of your site, like you used to do.

The Theme Builder solves this problem and lets you change, not only headers, footers, and sidebars on their own, but the complete layout — all in one. No matter what theme you are using. So you can now choose a basic theme, and customize the templates as you wish.

Added flexibility: Theme Builder lets you define the content area width for Visual Composer layouts in your account settings. As well as manipulate the width, stacking, and other design options for the rows within your layouts. Therefore, you can have your own look and feel for any website or blog. All that through simple drag-and-drop functions.

Build Once, Reuse Everywhere

Imagine that you don't have to create separate layout templates for headers, footers, sidebars, and assign them one by one. Now imagine how much time and effort you would save if you could do all that from one place. Well, stop imagining, because we have made it a reality!

From the moment you start to create a new layout template, you work from within the frontend editor that you're already familiar with. Then, once you're set, you move on to add dynamic content elements, that change dynamically based on any changes an author makes, in the placeholders for your defined content areas, like:

  • Page Title
  • Categories
  • Tags
  • Date
  • Excerpt
  • Name (Author)
  • Bio (Author)
  • Photo (Author)
  • Featured Image
Theme Builder dynamic content elements in the Visual Composer Layout Builder

This is how you can start using the new Layout Builder:

  1. Navigate to the Visual Composer settings from your WordPress Admin Dashboard, and select 'Theme Builder'
  2. Click 'Layouts' from the Theme Builder dropdown menu
  3. Click 'Add Layout' and select a 'Singular Layout' or “Archive Layout' 
  4. Create the design of your new layout template by adding content elements
  5. Save and click "Assign Layout to..." in the frontend editor settings
  6. You will be redirected to the Theme Builder Settings
  7. Replace the theme default templates with your created templates
  8. Save changes

In every layout template, it is mandatory to have a content area element added for Singular Layouts and a Post Grid element (with WP Query) for Archive Layouts. This ensures you will have a place for content to be displayed on pages, posts, and archives. This is why the content area and the post grid element come pre-added to the layout, as you create each new template.

Bonus: In the latest Visual Composer release, we have also combined the Archive Builder and Post Template Builder integrated them into one — the Layout Builder.

No More Limitations

The Layout Builder is here to make your life easier. So you don't have to worry about creating a site with having to rely on theme-defined layouts ever again!

More than 70% of our long-term Premium users have requested the option to create custom page and post templates. Now, with the Layout Builder, you can not only design completely unique layouts for customer websites but also reduce the costs, by not having to purchase premium themes. Because you are the creator of your own layouts.

Not only, are you the creator of your own layouts, but now you also have the power to create a full website from header to footer, and everything in between! With the ultimate website building experience that Visual Composer offers, this workflow improvement gives you the flexibility and mobility to design literally anything with just one tool.

Finally, the best thing about this new feature is that it has the potential to improve your website performance tremendously. Since you no longer have to get multi-feature themes, that can oftentimes slow down your website due to having over-saturated code. Much rather, get a minimalistic theme (perfect with the Starter Theme) and completely overwrite it with custom layouts, styling, and more. Letting you lead the show, while all assets (JS, CSS, fonts) are taken care of by Visual Composer.

Now you're all set! Create custom designs. Define fonts. Add content. Start building the websites you've always dreamed of with Visual Composer Layout Builder today!

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Introducing Page Design Options https://visualcomposer.com/blog/page-design-options/ https://visualcomposer.com/blog/page-design-options/#comments Thu, 05 Aug 2021 11:56:17 +0000 https://visualcomposer.com/?p=32407 Get ready for full-page design options - an easy way to style your pages without coding. Visual Composer 38.0 comes with Design Options controls you can apply not only to a row or section but a whole post or page.

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Get ready for full-page design options - an easy way to style your pages without coding. Visual Composer 38.0 comes with Design Options controls you can apply not only to a row or section but a whole post or page.

Visual Composer page design options for WordPress

We continue to enhance your design experience with Visual Composer. With familiar design options being a part of every content element, we aim to extend this functionality to the posts and pages you design.

Page design options allow you to control the background color, image, margin, padding, and border of your page. It overwrites the default styles of your theme making page design options a perfect companion for creating landing pages.

How to Use Page Design Options

To access page design options, go to the On-Page Settings from the Visual Composer frontend editor and click on the Design Options tab.

From there, you will see the well-known design options controls which can be adjusted to your needs. All changes will be automatically displayed on your page.

Page and post design options for WordPress

Moreover, we created page design options with responsiveness in mind. This means you can add different styling for different device types. For example, add a background image on a desktop and replace it with the background color or mobile to improve performance.

The page design options are available to all Visual Composer page layouts and the Starter theme. Some other themes may experience compatibility issues due to their styling options and layout structure.

When to Use Page Design Options

From the landing page styling and up to small design tweaks, there are many cases where page design options can be applied.

Most marketers want their landing pages to be a bit different from the main site. With design options, you can easily add a background image or change the color to make it look different.

Your theme does not support background color controls or restrict using images? No worries, Visual Composer can handle that for you.

For a non-technical user, page design options allow adjusting page style without writing a single line of code.

Want to introduce a small and trendy border to make your page look like a card? Page design options allow you to control the border width and color of your page.

We are sure you can think of many more use cases or you can always find inspiration in our showcase.

Are you thrilled about page design options? Let us know in the comments or share your work in the official Visual Composer community on Facebook.

Happy designing!

P.S. Yes, page design options are available in the free version of Visual Composer.

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Role Manager: Control User Role Access And Capabilities https://visualcomposer.com/blog/role-manager/ https://visualcomposer.com/blog/role-manager/#comments Tue, 01 Jun 2021 09:32:53 +0000 https://visualcomposer.com/?p=31967 Role Manager allows you to configure the Visual Composer feature access for different WordPress user roles. Grant permissions to your tech-savvy teammates or restrict access for your clients to secure the site overall look from unneeded modifications.

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Visual Composer 37.0 is here with the user role manager - a feature that gives control and security to advanced users, developers, and agencies.

Role Manager allows you to configure the Visual Composer feature access for different WordPress user roles. Grant permissions to your tech-savvy teammates or restrict access for your clients to secure the site overall look from unneeded modifications.

Visual Composer Role Manager can save your hours of maintenance:

  • Control who can access advanced features
  • Give your clients a secure way to modify content
  • Simplify the interface for non-technical users
  • Secure your site overall look
  • Modify default access rights to your preferences
  • Control user role access to specific post types
  • Configure access rights for WordPress default and custom user roles
  • Keep your site clean by restricting media and addon download

Visual Composer is getting more and more developer-friendly

Before creating Visual Composer, I was working as a web developer. Back then, maintenance service was a good way to create a recurring income.

Yet, we all know that changing URL here, updating a paragraph there, and adding a picture here can get you off the grid pretty quickly. As a developer, I wanted to focus on my primary job and address technical issues as a part of the maintenance process.

What I was missing back then is something I am proud to present today.

Role Manager gives a quick way to configure access rights so your clients can edit only certain parts of the page. At the same time, you are safe - no harm will be done to the overall look and feel of the site.

Spending 10 minutes configuring #WordPress user roles can save you hours of maintenance work.

In addition, restricting access can help your clients in a different way.

Many non-technical users complain when having too many options. By restricting access, you can actually lower the barrier for them to manage their own content and they will appreciate it.

You can even restrict access to specific post types or downloading content from the Visual Composer Hub. We know that people like to download free stuff, and with 200 elements, Visual Composer Hub is a honeypot for them.

Do you develop a website for a large organization? Great, Visual Composer allows you to configure custom user roles per your business needs.

As you see, the Role Manager may sound like a simple feature, yet it gives you so many ways to improve your and your client’s work.

How to get started with the Role Manager

The Role Manager is a premium addon you can download from the Visual Composer Hub.

Once downloaded, you can access the Role Manager from your Visual Composer Dashboard (WordPress Admin).

Visual Composer Role Manager options and capabilities

The Role Manager will list all the available user roles with preconfigured access rights. To modify the permissions, expand the user roles and adjust your settings.

Don't forget to save changes.

For a detailed tutorial and video on how to use the Role Manager, visit our Help Center.

While working with the Role Manager, there are few things you should know.

First, all Visual Composer features are disabled for custom user roles by default for security purposes. You can enable them at any time per your preferences.

Visual Composer Post Types Role Manager

Second, we love WordPress and rely on default configurations. This means that you should ensure that your WordPress user role configuration does not conflict with your Visual Composer Role Manager settings.

And last but not least, remember that you can restrict access to certain elements of your site by using the Element Lock feature which is a part of the Visual Composer Role Manager.

What's else? Role Manager Presets

Laziness is the mother of invention. We have just introduced the Role Manager but that's not all.

Role Manager presets are a quick way to adjust user roles. You can choose one of the pre-configured sets for any of your user roles and skip adjusting every single option.

At the same time, you can always go into custom mode and adjust presets to your liking.

Ok, now that we have looked into the Role Manager addon, I want to hear your thoughts. Jump into the comments below and help us define what other agency-grade features you need in Visual Composer.

Haven't tried the Role Manager yet? Get your Visual Composer Premium license and enjoy all the pro benefits.

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Introduction to Visual Composer UI/UX design improvements https://visualcomposer.com/blog/visual-composer-ui-ux-design-improvements/ https://visualcomposer.com/blog/visual-composer-ui-ux-design-improvements/#comments Fri, 12 Mar 2021 15:27:46 +0000 https://visualcomposer.com/?p=31241 In the last couple of updates, we introduced several important Visual Composer UI/UX improvements that did not receive enough attention in our blog. Although these improvements may not be as glamorous as some of our other features, they still make a huge difference to how you use the product.

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In the last couple of updates, we introduced several important Visual Composer UI/UX improvements that did not receive enough attention in our blog. Although these improvements may not be as glamorous as some of our other features, they still make a huge difference to how you use the product.

In this article, I want to quickly guide you through the most important of our recent UI/UX updates so you can start working faster and design better sites:

New image and video selector

A more intuitive media selector allows you to quickly manage images and videos. Replace images with dynamic content or assets from the Media Library. Reorganize images within gallery elements with a simple drag and drop. Add static or dynamic URLs to your media assets.

Tabs in On-Page Settings

Access any on-page settings available in Visual Composer Frontend editor by simply switching between the tabs. Scroll through the multiple tabs to quickly access the one you need, just like in Google Sheets.

Experience enhanced link selector that allows you to quickly switch between adding URLs, triggering popups, or applying dynamic content links.

Better publishing options

Not ready to publish yet? Choose between publishing and saving your content as a draft right under the Save option.

New Device Preview

Check how your site looks on different devices right in the Frontend editor. See the exact viewport sizes and set the default editor view in the Visual Composer settings.

Edit with double click

Modify your texts by double-clicking to open the inline editor. Double click on other elements to open the element edit window.

WordPress Post and Page settings

Add featured images, choose categories and tags, enable comments, add excerpts, and access other core WordPress post and page options right from the Visual Composer on-page settings.

New Row layout controls

Build your row and column structure faster with the brand new row layout controls. Take advantage of autocomplete option and instant editing to modify existing row layouts.

Delete elements and templates

Keep your content window clean by removing unnecessary elements and templates. And don't worry, Visual Composer will identify if elements you want to delete are in use and will inform you.

Add Content window

Access your elements and templates from one place. Use Add Content window to switch between elements and templates.

Element grouping and favorites

Find needed elements faster with smart element and template groups introduced in Add Content window. Plus, the most used elements and templates will always be on top.

New column resize controls

Experience cleaner row and column layouts with a reduced number of borders and a slick column resizer for quick manual adjustments.

Did you know all our recent UI/UX improvements?

Have you tried all our new design improvements? Which one is your favorite? What else you want us to improve? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Don't have Visual Composer on your plugin list yet? It's about time to change the way you build your site and manage content forever.

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Free vs Premium: Is It Worth Upgrading? https://visualcomposer.com/blog/free-vs-premium-is-it-worth-upgrading/ https://visualcomposer.com/blog/free-vs-premium-is-it-worth-upgrading/#comments Tue, 16 Feb 2021 12:15:54 +0000 http://t.visualcomposer.com/?p=31002 If you’ve ever considered upgrading from a free version to the premium, you’re probably wondering if it’s worth the investment. The answer is yes! Keep reading for how to determine whether or not your business needs Visual Composer Premium and some of its best features.

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If you’ve ever considered upgrading from a free version to a premium, you’re probably wondering if it’s worth the investment. The answer is yes! Keep reading for how to determine whether or not your business needs Visual Composer Premium and some of its best features.

Let' start with a simple statement - Visual Composer is for everyone. If you've ever used Visual Composer - you already know that.

While other products raise prices and limit features, we have only expanded the feature list available for free. No surprise that the Visual Composer free version is the most powerful WordPress page builder on the market.

Ok, but if the free version is so good - why do I have to consider premium? The answer is simple.

Once you start your business you need to get online fast. The Visual Composer free version can help you to do just that. 

As your business and objectives grow, there are more opportunities and challenges on the horizon. Improve sales funnel, run marketing experiments, incorporate e-commerce, and so on.

This is where the premium version comes into play. Below, I have summarized all differences between the two versions and outlined the benefits of the Premium version.

WordPress Content Editing

The free version of the Visual Composer is a page builder that allows you to edit the content of your page. In WordPress, content is defined by your theme. This means you have a specific block you can edit.

But what if you want to edit something that is beyond the content? For example, a header, or footer. 

Visual Composer Premium allows you to edit the whole page. You can choose a layout of your page, create custom headers, footers, sidebars, and create content.

A common practice in e-commerce sites is to reduce distractions on the checkout page. With a custom header created in Visual Composer, you can place only needed elements, like logo, though increasing your conversion rate.

Premium Elements and Templates

Right from the start, you will get 40 free elements and 10 free templates to build your page. The very basic elements, like text blocks, buttons, and separators allow you to build a decent site.

But at some point, you may need more elements. Of course, you can find an add-on or even create your own elements. Yet, there is an easy way out.

Visual Composer Hub is a library available in Visual Composer that gives you access to more elements and templates. To be exact, there are 500+ elements and templates available and the numbers keep on growing.

The best part is that Visual Composer Premium gives you access to all those elements and templates completely free of charge. No download limits applied.

Premium Design Options

All Visual Composer elements come with design options - feature-rich controls to apply background effects.

While the free version covers all the basics, you may want to look into the Premium version to access more styling options and parallax effects.

Plus, as Visual Composer Premium has more elements you can have more styling options.

Premium Addons

Available exclusively to the Premium version, add-ons can significantly increase the number of features. 

Tailored for professional web designers and marketers, different add-ons can help you:

  • Create custom popups;
  • Create global templates;
  • Export/Import templates;
  • Manage element access;
  • Add dynamic content to your page;
  • Define your own custom typography;
  • Create custom layouts;
  • and more.

And, just like the elements and templates, all addons can be downloaded for free from the Visual Composer Hub with an active Premium subscription. 

Visual Composer and WooCommerce

E-commerce is a huge topic these days with everyone wanting to benefit from the online sales boom.

Visual Composer Premium version offers a seamless integration with WooCommerce and other online business tools you may need to start your online store.

Premium Support

Being a premium version user is not only about the elements, templates, and features. As a premium customer, you get a reliable partner that offers premium-class support and assistance whenever you need it.

In fact, over 70% of premium users admit that support availability is one of the key factors when it comes to business sustainability.

Premium Pricing

When talking about premium products, we tend to think about the hundreds of dollars we will have to spend every month. This is surely not the case with Visual Composer.

You can start as low as $49 annually for a single site subscription and enjoy all the premium benefits. Similar tools in other industries may cost you hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

You can also get a lifetime license for $149 so you can pay once and get all features and updates forever.

In fact, the Visual Composer Premium subscription costs around 4 Big Macs from McDonald's 🙂 

Plus, with a 30 days refund guarantee you are completely risk-free.


Visual Composer Premium offers great price vs benefit value to anyone who wants to improve their website. There are no additional fees. Plus, with regular feature, element, and template updates you can always stay up to date with the latest trends.

Still not convinced? Check out what our premium users think and go premium.

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New Features: Google Fonts Search in TinyMCE, New Activation and More https://visualcomposer.com/blog/google-fonts-search/ https://visualcomposer.com/blog/google-fonts-search/#respond Wed, 27 Nov 2019 10:08:10 +0000 http://t.visualcomposer.com/?p=27363 Have you ever spend tons of time searching for the right Google Font that fits you the most? Or wanted to apply Dynamic Content to more attributes than before? Once again, welcome the new update of the Visual Composer to solve all this and more!

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We are always seeking for the novelty. This is why Visual Composer 23.0 comes with a lot of new powerful features to create a well-designed website faster than ever.

Have you ever spend tons of time searching for the right Google Font that fits you the most? Or wanted to apply Dynamic Content to more attributes than before?

Once again, welcome the new update of the Visual Composer to solve all this and more!

Let’s start exploring! ????

Google Fonts Search in TinyMCE

We are huge fans of typography here at Visual Composer. As one of the upcoming web design trends in 2020, it is better to have more tools at hand to style your text. That is why we present Google Fonts Search in TinyMCE.

Google Fonts search

This Visual Composer integration feature allows you to navigate through more than 800 free licensed fonts in the TinyMCE editor. Besides the ability to search for the specific font, you can also browse through the preview to find the right one.

New Premium Activation

With a Premium subscription, you have full access to all features including those I am covering here. Go Premium to unlock unlimited downloads of content elements in the Visual Composer Hub. Trust me, it is worth it!

After the purchasing of the Premium license, you need to activate the Premium version. To make the activation process faster, we introduce a new Premium activation flow with license input.

Activate Premium

Select Go Premium in your WordPress dashboard. Then log in with your Visual Composer account credentials. There you can find the Visual Composer Premium subscription license key. Choose the one you want to activate, and copy&paste it into the field where the license key is required.

Your Visual Composer Premium has been activated!

In case you didn’t know, you can activate Visual Composer Premium license on your staging environment as well. Press the Activate Staging button to activate one license on both – live and staging environments.

Dynamic Content in Image Link Selector

With Dynamic Content, you can replace your static content with WordPress dynamic content or custom fields. Dynamic Content allows you to get full control of the placement and style of WordPress default and custom fields. Style and locate the fields without any coding or location restrictions.

Apply the Dynamic Content feature to any element of Visual Composer that displays static content. Plus, it is available for many attributes.

Dynamic Content Link Selector

Starting from the Visual Composer 23.0 update, Dynamic Content is available in a single image link selector. It is a premium feature to replace the link with dynamic content (ex. Post/Page URLs).

Note: By default current post is set by default. Select the different sources in the dropdown if you want to change that.

Take it All!

We hope that you will enjoy the new features that can make your website more visually appealing and save you lots of time while creating one! But as Mark Twain said, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

So, start to build your site right now - with numerous regularly updated features of Visual Composer.

We always appreciate your experience, comments, and recommendations. Don't hesitate to share it with us below! ????

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New Features: Tilt Parallax, Mouse Follow Animation, 404, Icons, And More https://visualcomposer.com/blog/visual-composer-tilt-parallax/ https://visualcomposer.com/blog/visual-composer-tilt-parallax/#comments Wed, 06 Nov 2019 12:39:08 +0000 http://t.visualcomposer.com/?p=26814 Visual Composer introduces a wide number of fascinating new features to complement your WordPress site. Visual Composer 22.00 is here and we are excited to present new parallax effects, hundreds of new icons, 404 page option and more!

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With every new update, Visual Composer introduces a wide number of fascinating new features to complement your WordPress site. Visual Composer 22.00 is here and we are excited to present new parallax effects, hundreds of new icons, 404 page option and more!

Tilt Parallax Effect

The parallax effect is a well-known trend nowadays. It adds a touch of depth to your website because the background is moving at a slower rate than the foreground. It creates a 3D effect while you are scrolling.

Apart from the existing parallax effect, Visual Composer 22.0 comes with an additional tilt effect. Try it below! ????

Tilt Parallax

It means that you can add not only the dimension to your image but also a hover effect to make your website stand out of the crowd.

Additionally, you can also choose the tilt glare effect to add the semi-transparent overlay. Another option is a tilt reverse effect to change the way the element will rotate as we move the mouse.

If you want your image to keep floating, select the tilt reset option - in this case, the effect will not be reset when the user mouse leaves the element.

In total, Visual Composer Premium users will now have an additional 4 new parallax effects based on the tilt animation. This puts Visual Composer way above competitors in the number of available background effects.

Mouse Follow Animation

Static images are boring, don’t they? But for some reason, they're still on almost every website. So, instead of disappointing your audience, try to add more interactivity to your website.

There are many ways of doing it, including the new Mouse Follow Animation effect. Mouse over image above!

Simply pick the images and select the effect in the dropdown menu of the parallax section. As a result, the slightest mouse movement will switch the image to another one.

Mouse follow animation effect is a perfect solution to grab your visitor's attention with a stunning motion effect in your site hero section.

Simple Contact Form

There is a bunch of WordPress contact form plugins to design different types of good-looking contact forms and Visual Composer is already compatible with most popular ones. But within the 22.0 update, we went beyond it!

From now on, you can create and customize your simple contact form straight in the frontend editor just in a few clicks!

Simple Contact Form

Apply powerful Design Options, replace the button or input of the fields and start benefit from the new Simple Contact Form element that can be found in the Visual Composer Hub.

You don't have to install additional plugins to add a contact form - it's that simple.

404 pages

You can't underestimate the power of 404 pages. Like any other, the 404 error page needs to be eye-catching and user-friendly. Turn a defect into effect by leading your visitors in the right direction.

Now, with Visual Composer Premium, you have an option to build custom 404 pages. Create a layout, select it to be used as your 404 page in the WordPress dashboard settings, and show that you take care of your audience!

Create custom 404 pages in WordPress with Visual Composer

New Icon Libraries

What is the main benefit of using icons? First of all, they are essential elements of design and powerful visually-appealing tools to draw your visitors’ attention. Secondly, they bring information faster than words and require less space.

Finally, as most icons are presented in the forms of the button, they are meant to call your audience to perform some actions. Do you still need more reasons to use them?

In Visual Composer Hub, you can find various icon elements, such as Simple Icon element, Icon Group, Social Profile Icons and more. Besides, now you have access to an extremely new icon sets - Jam, Evil, and Zondicons Icon library. This means that 1,263 new icons in total are available to you integrated into the Premium version of the plugin.

New Icon Sets

You can choose the hollow icons, that engage by their shapes or pick the solid ones, which do the same with the help of the color. You are free to choose from!

Star Ranking Element

When you decide to go on a vacation or whether to have dinner tonight, you usually can notice that multiple alternatives have rankings. A ranking is a relationship between a set of items.

So, we prepared a star ranking content element that allows setting a ranking using stars.

Star Ranking element

It is used to evaluate information according to certain criteria, display customer feedback, and compare products, services, pages and more. For example, as in the image below.

Star Ranking

In Visual Composer, you can customize the element properties such as rank value type (number or percentages), the color of the active and passive stars and choose the alignment. If you wish, you can enable the rating count text and tailor it as well.

Stay up-to-date

The team behind Visual Composer is constantly working to provide the best user experience, create new content elements and features to complement your WordPress website. Get Visual Composer Premium to try all new and previously available features.

Let’s create a beautiful website together!

You are welcome to share your experience, leave your comment or recommendations bellow.

The post New Features: Tilt Parallax, Mouse Follow Animation, 404, Icons, And More appeared first on Visual Composer Website Builder.

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