Comments on: How to Create a WordPress Child Theme Create Your WordPress Website Fri, 01 Sep 2023 12:46:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lauren Rodriguez Fri, 01 Sep 2023 12:46:30 +0000 I have read your blog on the benefit of child theme in WordPress. It was very interesting and helpful but I can add some extra points in your article. Here some extra points:
1.Keeping Changes After Updates. One of the biggest problems with modifying a theme is when updates occur.
2.Keeping Original Safe.
3.No FTP Required.
4.Faster Development.
These are some extra points to add to your article. Readers if you are confused about your web and App development , you can get a free consultation at Alakmalak technologies.Visit our site for more information.

By: Julia Davis Sat, 01 Jul 2023 12:30:12 +0000 You have mentioned good points for knowledge. I would like to add some short methods for creating a wordpress child theme. Check them below:
Step1: Set up a new folder
Step2: Create a style.css file
Step3: Add the required information
Step4: Enqueue the parent and child theme stylesheets
Step5: Activate the child theme
Step6: Customize the child theme
Step7: Update and maintain your child theme
These are some short points. Readers, If you want to develop your wordpress website, you can visit an IT company like Alakmalak technologies. They have 17+ years of experience in this field.

By: soundos Sat, 11 Sep 2021 16:21:36 +0000 Great Post!!! Very much informative trends on the website
